AB 1450 Punishes Job Creators
AB 1450 won’t create new jobs. In fact, it could kill jobs by discouraging employers from locating to California or remaining in California. That’s because AB 1450 prohibits employers from considering an applicant’s current employment status, subjecting them to discrimination charges and costly litigation for simply asking basic employment history questions.
Employers should be able to ask why a person is unemployed, such as whether the person was recently terminated for serious misconduct, before making a job offer.
But, AB 1450 would put employers in an impossible situation –fear of penalties and fees from claims that a job applicant was allegedly discriminated against because he was “unemployed” OR fear of a lawsuit for not asking questions and hiring someone that ends up a potential danger.
While the bill was held on suspense on May 9th, it hasn’t moved from the cradle to the grave just yet. It could still be voted off the suspense file and sent to the full Assembly for a vote.
Read more about how you can contact your Assembly representatives and members of Assembly Appropriations and urge them to OPPOSE AB 1450 – a job killer.