Hearings Set on Numerous ‘Job Killer’ Bills This Week
(April 15, 2013) The California Chamber of Commerce is calling attention to eight “job killer” bills that will be considered by legislative policy committees this week. One bill has advanced and already awaits action by the entire Senate.
The CalChamber is urging California employers to contact their Senate and Assembly representatives and urge them to oppose these bills.
Costly Workplace Mandates
SB 404 (Jackson; D-Santa Barbara) Expansion of Discrimination Litigation — Makes it virtually impossible for employers to manage their employees and exposes them to a higher risk of litigation by expanding the Fair Employment and Housing Act to include a protected classification for any person who is, perceived, or associated with a family caregiver. Senate Appropriations Committee hearing April 15.
Economic Development Barriers
AB 52 (Gatto; D-Los Angeles): CEQA Approval Authority for Tribes — Effectively gives Native American Tribes authority to approve or disapprove all land use projects in the state that they unilaterally determine may impact a tribal reservation, rancheria community or cultural sacred place. Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing April 15.
AB 188 (Ammiano; D-San Francisco) Split Roll Change of Ownership — Unfairly targets commercial property by redefining “change of ownership” so that such property is more frequently reassessed, which will ultimately lead to higher property taxes that will be passed on to tenants, consumers, and potentially employees. Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee hearing April 15.
AB 288 (Levine; D-San Rafael) De Facto Moratorium on Hydraulic Fracturing — Imposes a de facto moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing in the state, driving up fuel and energy prices and harming the job market in these sectors, by basing approval of notices for well operations on a public health and safety standard that is impossible to meet. Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing April 15.
AB 823 (Eggman; D-Stockton) Infrastructure — Adds additional costs and hurdles to critically needed new infrastructure and development projects by imposing unreasonable mitigation requirements. Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing April 15.
AB 953 (Ammiano; D-San Francisco) Increases CEQA Litigation — Invites more litigation over California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) projects by overturning a recent court decision and allowing project opponents to challenge environmental impact reports (EIRs) that don’t adequately evaluate and mitigate impacts related to conditions and physical features in the environment, like sea-level rise and fault lines. Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing April 15.
SB 365 (Wolk; D-Davis) Limitations on Tax Credits — Creates uncertainty for California employers making long-term investment decisions by requiring tax incentives end 10 years after its effective date. Senate Floor.
Expensive, Unnecessary Regulations
SB 529 (Leno; D-San Francisco) Disposable Fast-Food Container Ban — Places an unworkable ban on disposable food services containers or single-use carryout bags, unless they can meet an increasing recycling threshold that will reach 75% on July 1, 2020. Senate Environmental Quality Committee hearing April 17.